1. What makes you write?
The change of season, old folk tales, the moon, love, listening to old- time country music, and seeing live music all inspire me to write.
2. Who is the greatest unknown influence on your music?
Holly Golightly has been a big influence on my music since I discovered her records in early high school. She has this amazing shrill and quake of a voice and her original music is always sassy, dark, and fun. A lot of her songs I really enjoyed I realized were old roots songs she made her own, and that really inspired me to dig deeper into old country/roots music.
3. What is your most closeted, secret, guilty and humiliating musical pleasure?
I have a secret love of Gwen Stefani I have had since middle school. I have always adored her energy, catchy tunes, and colorful style.
4. What established artist made you want to write songs, and why?
The Carter Family's music made me want to write songs, because they had this beautiful sadness to them and simplicity that made me confident to write songs that gave me that same release of emotion and satisfaction after playing.
5. Advice for just-starting songwriters?
Don't think about the songs or the form or the chords and just let yourself make your own rules and creations.
6. Why country?
Country is real, it's heartbreaking and romantic, and country is deeply connected to it's people and land.
7. Favorite backwoods expression?
Hell, she could even depress the devil.